About Us:

Commanding Officer of VFA-37, Captain Squyars tends to be more serious than the rest of the squadron, and the person to go to for qualifications. For some ungodly reason he always levitates towards paddles, literally defining the term “CAG Paddles”.

400 | Capt. Russell "Hindenburg" Squyars

The Executive Officer of the Bulls, he is the softest spoken of the Pen. Quick on his feet, he magically seems to avoid any and all responsibility of the title, and is quick to quip when the chance arises.

401 | CDR T. "Speedy" Channel

Missing, presumed studying.

403 | LCDR Chris "Vapor" Taylor

We have no idea how or why, but he has become the official “MO” of the squadron, and tends to always be one step behind the maintenance going on within the squadron. He’s been known to process information, then completely discard it due to a conversation, leading to general groans in the ready room.

402 | LCDR Sam "Ace" Fee

The OPSO with a typical temper, Lcdr. Maederer seems to always be ready and willing to yell at Lcdr. Fee, from telling him to get on, to calling him out for his improper loadouts that Maederer had just mentioned, we tend to assume he’s always angry due to some sort of thing that happened when he was an Ordnanceman, but he’ll get belligerent if we ask.

404 | LCDR Zach "Weasel" Maederer

The Maintenance Master Chief, Deep has been known to lurk in the shadows, scaring the aircrew that dare to lay eyes on him. He has some fantasies that only the Devil himself can forgive, but he doesn’t seem willing. Also, something something Penis Time.

ADCM (AW) D. "Deep" Schit

The literal personification of laid back in the squadron.

406 | LT Joe "Slo-Joe" Eaton

{Insert something about "God Damn It Ace" here}

405 | LT Evan "Ice" Fitzgerald